Dog Jack, Mascot and Volunteer for the Union
Jack, a young mastiff, was to become one of the best-known mascots
Americans today generally assume that Americans in the northern states were pro-Union; those in the southern states were in favor of the Confederacy. However the truth was that there was divided loyalty in families, within towns, and within states in both the North and the South. For that reason, newspapers that favored one side or the other were very likely to tell stories that presented their side as the favored one.
This is what seems to have happened with the story of Jack, who is depicted as a Confederate who turned pro-Union.
Jack’s Story
His original owner was a Confederate jailer in Front Royal, Virginia, and Jack’s story begins there.
Even after capture, they were a spirited lot. Three days later, the Union soldiers were being marched through Winchester, Virginia where a group of Confederates were serenading Stonewall Jackson outside the house where he was staying; they were singing The Bonnie Blue Flag. In response, the Union men began singing The Star Spangled Banner very loudly as they were marched past.
And of course, marching along with them was the new recruit who had decided to leave his Confederate owner and accompany the Union fellows. In the article in Harper’s Weekly (November 8, 1862), Jack was described to be “of medium size and jetty blackness, except a white breast and a dash of white on each of his four paws.”
The Union prisoners were divided into two groups. Enlisted men were sent to Belle Island prison in Richmond, and the officers to a prisoner of war camp in Salisbury, North Carolina. Jack opted to accompany the officers.
Reporter Meets Jack
The reporter actually meets Jack after a prisoner exchange when the men were encamped at Fortress Monroe in Hampton, Virginia. (Though located on the southern peninsula of Virginia, Fort Monroe remained in Union hands throughout the Civil War.) Here we have the reporter’s opinionated description:
“His manners are very gentle and even timid among his friends, but he is suspicious and fierce as a lion when among his enemies. Although born in Secessia [this must have been a way to describe states that seceded], and breathing constantly the air of treason, he is intensely loyal to the Union, and betrays a hatred of anything in the shape of a rebel, which many of our “conservative” and “neutral” loyalists in the North would do well to imitate.”
The officers shared with him stories about Jack:
While they were being marched to North Carolina and were terribly parched, the officers said that Jack would run ahead, and when he found water, he would rush back, barking loudly, to tell them about it.
“When they were supplied with only five crackers to each man for five days—with no meat—and our poor fellows were literally dying from starvation, this noble animal has been known to go and catch chickens for them and bring them back in his mouth!”
Another story concerned an exhausted Union soldier who couldn’t continue. Jack stayed with him until a wagon returned to pick him up.
To read the rest of the article and find more great Dog Stories from Kate Kelly visit: America Comes Alive