Rosie finally found and safe! (4 photos)
When Sam Havens, US Navy learned she was soon to be deployed for 6 months, she made arrangements for her beloved dog Rosie to go to Ohio where she has family. Rosie was on her way from San Diego to Ohio to stay with Sams Dad but the trip was interrupted when she was lost at the Sprague Rest area on I90 here in eastern Washington. Rosie eluded searchers for 10 days. Thanks to the persistence and dedication of a few Sprague folks she was found and is now safe!Sam wants her to continue her journey to Ohio where Rosie will stay with her dad while she is deployed. Lets help get Rosie to Ohio for Sam!Donations towards Rosies vet bills or flight costs can be made via paypal on our Facebook page..just hit the Donations button or on our website ” Operational fund” We are setting up a fund for Rosie!