
Pet World Insider Radio Segment – Randy Pierce & the Mighty Quinn – Documentary + Inspiration For All + 2020 Vision Quest Organization

Pet World Insider Radio Segment – Randy Pierce & the Mighty Quinn – Documentary + Inspiration For All + 2020 Vision Quest Organization

On this Pet World Radio Segment we sit down with an amazing man and his as amazing dog.  Randy Pierce and his seeing Eye Guide dog Quinn.  They set out to accomplish what few sighted people and pets would.  This is such an inspiring story and their efforts and adventures continue on today.  This is one of our favorite stories and interviews of the year.  Please visit their site, follow their adventures and be inspired.

Enjoy this Pet World Radio Segment in case a station near you does not currently carry Pet World Radio on the EMB and CRN Networks!

For More information on the Randy, The Mighty Quinn & The 2020 Vision Quest Efforts: 2020 Vision Quest

From the website:

It begins with Randy Pierce and his Guide Dog, Quinn, climbing all 48 of the rugged 4000+ foot peaks in the New Hampshire White Mountains. The quest will continue well beyond this initial adventure as Randy will work to inspire others to set their own visions and help them achieve their goals through outreach, education and support.

Our mission

2020 Vision Quest inspires people to reach beyond adversity and achieve their highest goals — personal, professional, and philanthropic. We believe in leading by example, in climbing the highest peaks, and in sharing our successes and challenges with each other. Funds raised through these endeavors will be given to two remarkable organizations which benefit the visually impaired community: Guiding Eyes for the Blind, and the New Hampshire Association for the Blind.

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