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Pet World Insider Radio Segment – Charlie Batch – NFL QB – Dog Lover + Pet Cancer Story + More

Segment One

Pet World Insider Radio Segment – Charlie Batch – NFL QB Segment One – Dog Lover + Pet Cancer Story + More

Segment Two

Pet World Insider Radio Segment – Charlie Batch – NFL QB Segment Two – Dog Lover + Pet Cancer + Riedel And Cody Fund + More

On this Pet World Radio Segment we sit down with NFL Quarterback and all around good guy, Charlie Batch.  Listen as Charlie talks about his love of pets, the heartbreaking loss of his beloved dog Roxie to cancer, the struggles and efforts and the awareness Charlie is bringing to the issue.  Charlie had so much to share that we did two segments with him.  We hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Enjoy this Pet World Radio Segment in case a station near you does not currently carry Pet World Radio on the EMB and CRN networks!

For More information on the Riedel & Cody Organization: Riedel & Cody Fund

For more information on Charlie’s Organziations: Best of the Batch Foundation


Charlie Batch was born in Homestead, a financially challenged steel mill community across the Monongahela River from Pittsburgh. The eldest of Lynn Settles’ three children, Charlie started football with the Steel Valley Midget Association when he was seven. He continued playing at Steel Valley High School, where he lettered in both football and basketball, maintaining the required grades to be eligible to play.

Charlie played college ball at Eastern Michigan University, setting numerous school and MAC conference records. In 1998, Charlie was drafted in the second round of the NFL Draft by the Detroit Lions, where he spent the first four seasons of his professional career as the starting quarterback. Charlie returned to his hometown as a member of the Pittsburgh Steelers in 2002, and has spent the past eleven seasons with the team, including Super Bowl XL and XLIII championships.

Community Advocate

It was during his junior year at Eastern Michigan that the event occurred that would define Charlie’s life work. He received a phone call from his mother with the devastating news that his sister Danyl had been killed, an innocent victim of gunfire between rival gangs.

Charlie has channeled his pain from Danyl’s senseless death into his commitment to keep other families from experiencing that kind of hurt and anguish.  The memory of Charlie’s sister lives through the Best of the Batch Foundation, which he established in 1999 to serve underprivileged youth.  Charlie takes a very active, hands-on role in Best of the Batch Foundation. He regularly visits schools in the Steel Valley District and around the Pittsburgh region to speak with students of all grades to show them he walks the talk.