
Pet World Insider Radio – Judy Fridono & Surf Dog Ricochet – Segment Two

Pet World Insider Radio is all new and now it’s syndicated by the EMB rdio network….with shows on more than 100 AM/FM stations and more…We are excited.  Each week we have two hours of great guests, great pet information and really explore the Pet World in all it’s glory with dogs, cats, birds, fish, reptiles, exotics and more…..If you love animals, you’ll love being a Pet World Insider…

Today begins the kickoff of our daily Radio Segments in case we haven’t been added to a radio station in your area yet.

Surf Dog Ricochet and Judy Fridono are two wonderful Pet World Superheros doing great things for Pets and humans alike.  Their story has inspired millions.  Their efforts have raised more than $250,000 and they continue to make a difference.

Visit them here:

Some excerpts from the site:

Thank you for wanting to learn more about me, the SURFice dog work I do, my philanthropy, my initiatives, and my surfing.  Because of my unique, and highly skilled background of service/therapy/surf dog training, I’m the only known dog in the world who surfs with special needs kids, and people with disabilities as an assisitive aid… my signature stoke!  I’m able to counter-balance the surfboard to keep them from falling off, and I adjust my surfing style based on each individual’s disability too! A great combinaton of the healing power of the ocean, and the healing power of a dog!  I also surf for fun & win surf dog contests!  Paw-abunga! More details about me can be found on my page Who is Surf Dog Ricochet.But, for now…

I’m an internationally renowned, award winning, 4 year old golden retriever surf dog who has become an inspirational phenomenon, philanthropic role model, internet sensation, fundraising marvel, community advocate, goodwill ambassador, and muse to millions! But, mom says I’m just an ordinary dog, with an extra-ordinary spirit.

I’m a dog who stayed true to herself despite the expectations of others. I stayed true to myself despite being sensitive, and not standing up for myself when bullied by other dogs. Mom wanted me to be a service dog, but I wanted something very different! She wanted me to make a difference in one person’s life, but I wanted to make a difference in millions of people’s lives! When mom let go of who SHE wanted me to be, and just let me be… I completely flourished.

My first adaptive surfing experience was August 20, 2009 with Patrick Ivison, a quadriplegic surfer. The original plan was to surf the same wave, but on our individual boards. We did that a few times, but then one time when we reached shore, I took a leap of faith (literally), and jumped off my board, and onto his.  I saw a lightbulb above mom’s head… She was finally understanding what I was born to do! My dream of surfing to help others was finally coming true!!

Since then, I’ve surfed with a number of special needs kids & people with disabilities. I’ve also been raising awareness and funds for human/animal causes. On July 25, 2011, Twenty one months after my first adaptive surfing experience… I raised my $100,000th dollar for Patrick the Miracle Dog! Bringing my fundraising journey full circle!  I’ve held over 50 fundraisers, and raised funds/awareness for more than 150 human/animal causes. I’ve now raised more than $250,000!!

Visit for more information.

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