We recently had a conversation about our PetsMove initiative with Gabriella Martinez, the Editor in Chief of Pupculturemagazine.com. Based in Rochester NY, Pupculture Magazine publishes 6 interactive issues each year on a wide range of topics related to dogs.
It turns out that the interview is a perfect fit for our FitDog Friday series, since, as you will read, Gabriella and her dog are fine examples of how to successfully start and stick with a weight loss and fitness program.
SlimDoggy (SD): We first met at the
Gabriella (GM): Yes! One of the reasons I am so excited about PetsMove (and Slimdoggy.com) is because both Andrea and I have been on a weight loss journey. I can tell you first hand that it isn’t easy and that it takes some time to ‘figure it out’. I think that it is great that you are creating a support system for all us dog lovers out there that need a bit of direction when it comes to healthy living. I know that I’m still learning as I go!
GM: Over the past year, I have lost 50 lbs and am now down to 165. Andrea has lost 22 lbs and she is now at a healthy 56 lbs. While Andrea is close to her ideal weight, I still want to continue to lose more weight. Now I have the knowledge and the confidence to do so.
SD: Wow! That’s fantastic. One of the reasons we started PetsMove was because we wanted people like you (and dog’s like Andrea) to share insights and tips on what worked for you. What is one thing you would tell someone who would like their dog or themselves to lose weight?
GM: First of all, realize that we (and our dogs) are all different. The exercise and diet combination that works for one might not work as well for another. Make sure that you find exercise routines that you enjoy and are convenient for you and your pet. For the diet aspect, find lower calorie foods that you still enjoy so you don’t feel deprived. For your dog’s diet, consider switching to a higher quality food to ensure that they are getting adequate nutrients even though you are cutting back their daily calories.
One trick that I used for Andrea was to substitute fresh veggies for some of the food she was eating. So if I was giving her two cups of food a day, I gave her 1 cup of veggies and 1 cup of a high quality dog food. This way, she got the same amount of food with a much smaller caloric intake. Plus, she always thought the veggies were a special treat—she loved …read more