Meg Harrison gives us a Pet X Talk about Flower Essences. Listen as Flower Essence Guru & Expert, Meg Harrison, discusses what flower essences are, their natural impact and the many situations she has used them – from everyday pet issues to severe pet injuries and calamities, flower essences have made an impact.
Flower Essences are entirely plant-based products. Remedies are extremely easy to use:
A few drops in dogs, cats or horses’ drinking water, food, treats, on pets’ bedding, toys, crate, carriers, kennel or mist the animals’ environment — IT’S THAT EASY!
Veterinarians, trainers, groomers, competitors, rescue organizations, equine dentists, farriers, animal shelters, and sanctuaries use BlackWing Farms’ Flower Essences & Remedies with incredible results, helping modify behavior permanently.
For more information about Meg Harrison visit: www.blackwingfarms.com
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