
Pet X Talks – Janet Marlow – Pet Acoustics – How Sound Impacts and Affects Our Pets


Pet X Talks – Janet Marlow – Pet Acoustics – How Sound Impacts and Affects Our Pets

On this Pet X Talk, Janet Marlow discusses Pet Acoustics, how sound impacts, influences and affects our pets and so much more.

Janet Marlow, is a renowned acoustic and musical expert, who has devoted her talents and passion to impacting the pet world. She has brought an awareness and solutions to pet issues through the use of sound, acoustics, technology and music.

About Janet Marlow & Pet Acoustics:

Pet Acoustics has helped thousands of pets worldwide for over 15 years for separation anxieties, thunderstorm nerves, sensory activity and for the general well-being of dogs, cats, horses, and birds. Breakthrough research by Pet Acoustics on the acute hearing sense of animals has created a series of species specific music, conceived by Janet Marlow, composer and researcher.

For more information about Janet Marlow and PetAcoustics visit:

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