
Pet X Talks – Dr. Karen Becker – Pillars of Pet Health – A Balanced Resilient Immune System

Pet X Talks – Dr. Karen Becker – Pillars of Pet Health – A Balanced Resilient Immune System

On this Pet X Talk, Dr. Karen Becker discusses the Second Pillar of Pet Health – A Balanced Resilient Immune System.  Dr. Becker previous covered the First Pillar of Pet Health – Species Appropriate Nutrition.

Dr. Karen Becker explains how to address and impact their immune balance, genetics, environmental issues, getting to balance, breeding and so much more.

Dr. Karen Becker, is a renowned veterinarian, author, speaker and truly one of the great leaders in the pet world.  She is a much sought after pet expert in the areas of nutrition, wellness and healthcare.

About Dr. Karen Becker:

Dr. Becker’s passion for wellness medicine was the driving force behind the creation of Natural Pet Animal Hospital, which opened in the Chicago area in 1999.

Since then, thousands of pets dealing with chronic degenerative diseases including allergies, cancer, organ failure, arthritis and auto immune diseases have benefitted from Dr. Becker’s unique approach to medicine. Her holistic approach to internal medicine and her passion for clinical pathology (tracking disease processes in the body), as well as an array of integrative diagnostics and innovative treatment protocols have earned her recognition as one of Chicago’s Top Vets (according to Chicago Magazine), and a special place in her client’s hearts.

Dr. Becker’s veterinary practice revolves around her belief that the foundation of good health and longevity is species appropriate nutrition. She attributes much of her clinic’s success to the fact that nutrition is addressed with every patient, at every exam.

Dr. Becker believes what we eat matters. Clients arrive at Natural Pet from many different backgrounds, feeding many different kinds of food to the animals in their care. Dr. Becker is passionate about encouraging clients to feed pets the best food they can afford. As a daily part of her job as a vet, she helps people transition their pets to more species appropriate nutrition.

For more information about Dr. Karen Becker visit:

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