Home PWI News Pet World Insider Radio – Vin Hourihan – Natural Chemistry – Waterless...

Pet World Insider Radio – Vin Hourihan – Natural Chemistry – Waterless Bath + Dental Cleanse + Pet Products

Pet World Insider Radio Segment – Vin Hourihan – Natural Chemistry Products – Waterless Bath + Dental Cleanse & More

On this Pet World Radio Segment we sit down with our good friend, and story teller extraordinaire, Kate Kelly.  She shares some very fascinating stories about Presidential pets and fascinating furry friends who have called the White House home.

Enjoy this Pet World Radio Segment in case a station near you does not currently carry Pet World Radio on the EMB or CRN networks!

For more information on their line of pet products visit: Natural Chemistry

From their Website:

Pet Care

For over 20 years Natural Chemistry has taken great pride in researching and developing technologies that are safe for people, pets and the planet. Our original scope of products included gentle enzyme grooming care and home solutions. Now we offer an extensive line of solutions for:

  • Killing fleas, ticks and mites on pets and in their environments
  • Removing odors from pets and around the home
  • Discouraging destructive chewing, licking and biting
  • Calming pets while bathing
  • Soothing skin irritations like hot spots and insect bites
  • Eliminating odors and stains caused by urine, vomit, feces, as well as other non-living organic contamination 

We are committed to the development of harmless products that are effective solutions for the grooming, home care and pest control needs of your pet. We unconditionally guarantee that our products will perform as promised. We invite you to read all about our products and programs, and encourage you to take advantage of the benefits our products provide.