
Pet World Insider Radio Segment – Silvie Bordeaux – Muffins Halo + Guide For Blind Dogs + Inspiration & much more

On this BlogPaws 2014 Conference Pet World Insider Radio Segment we talk with Silvie Bordeaux the founder of Muffin’s halo about her invention to help blind dogs, the inspiration and dedication to make her vision a reality, the impact for the dogs and so much more…

Enjoy this Pet World Radio Segment in case a station near you does not currently carry Pet World Radio!

For more information about Silvie & Muffin’s Halo visit:  Muffin’s Halo

An excerpt from the website:

Muffin’s Halo – Guide for Blind Dogs Story

My precious 13 1/2 year old toy poodle Muffin Bordeaux, went blind approximately two years ago due to cataracts. I was devastated, since he kept bumping into walls and falling down the stairs. He became very depressed and was afraid to move around. I could not let him out of my sight and carried him around everywhere. I searched the internet extensively for solutions/assistance. That was when I realized that there is a great need for a products to assist blind/visually impaired dogs, so I invented this aid for dog device/guide, “Muffin’s Halo Guide For Blind Dogs ® ” that has changed his life, as well as mine. Muffin now knows his home again and can travel with me to any hotel or friend’s house and gets to familiarize any new surroundings, quickly. He just loves this aid and is back to his peppy confident self! Muffin also loves all the attention he gets when I take him on walks, as he looks like a little angel. Most importantly, I can leave him at home for hours and know that he is safe.

Inventing My Aid for Blind Dogs

While I was inventing my aid for blind dog product, we discovered Muffin had a mass in his stomach. I consulted with multiple vets, changed his diet, and gave him daily iron supplements and medicine, hoping to reduce the mass. As a result, he was doing well and was more energetic.

During a follow up appointment to check on his mass, a certain Vet lacerated him internally by mistake, leaving Muffin dying on the operation table. Muffin had to have excessive amounts of blood transfusions and emergency surgery that cost me an excessive amount of money, but most importantly, great emotional distress. The Vet told me I had to prepare for the worse and that Muffin would probably not make it through the night (I still cry when I think about that day.) They feared his main artery was cut and that he could not survive this type of injury. I was petrified, devastated and in total disbelief.

As Muffin (who recently went blind and was traumatized in the Emergency Room with complete strangers) was in critical care fighting for his life, I was on my knees sobbing all night. I was surrounded by his bed, toys and clothes and pleaded to God to please save my precious dog. I promised in return, upon his recovery, Muffin and I would be of service and dedicate our lives to helping blind dogs.

My greatest prayer was answered and after many weeks of tender loving care, Muffin recovered and I have since worked on and developed “Muffin’s Halo Guide For Blind Dogs ®” to now make it available for other dogs facing this issue. I was stunned to find out how many dogs are abandoned or put down because they go blind. Muffin’s Halo can now save the lives of many dogs! It no longer has to be painful for the dogs and their owners, as I have a great solution to help this transition.

Today, Muffin’s Halo, my patented guide for blind dogs that was custom designed and handcrafted in the USA is now on the market. It is my greatest wish that we improve the lives of as many blind dogs as possible!

Blessings for Blind Dogs,
Silvie, Muffin and Chloe Bordeaux

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