On this Pet World Radio Segment talk with our good friend Author, Cat whisperer Michelle Nagelschneider about her book, common cat issues & So Much More…
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Read more at her wonderful website: The Cat Behavior Clinic
An excerpt from her website:
Are you ready to give your cat and yourself the ultimate gift of happiness and mutual regard? Have you run out of ideas, or hope, and you’re at your wit’s end? Do you think you’ve tried everything?
We’re pretty sure you haven’t.
Helping cat owners for over two decades solving “unfixable” behavior issues, Nagelschneider goes beyond the obvious facts about cat behavior and offers intelligent solutions to solve your cat’s behavior issues. Her most recent study of animal behavior was at Harvard University and she is world-renowned for her global leadership in cat behavior education and crossing the conventional boundaries of the cat behavior specialty.
Mieshelle Nagelschneider, author of THE CAT WHISPERER, Random House, (co-writer Cameron Powell)
Read more at her wonderful website: The Cat Behavior Clinic