
Pet World Insider Radio Segment – Leith Henry – Konas Kitchen + Animal Wellness + Process of Pet Nutrition Advising + So Much More

On this Thursday Pet Nutrition, Health & Safety Pet World Insider Radio Segment we talk with Leith Henry of Kona’s Kitchen about Kona’s Kitchen, Animal Wellness, The Consulting Process for Pet Nutrition and so much more…

Enjoy this Pet World Radio Segment in case a station near you does not currently carry Pet World Radio!

Read more at their wonderful website:  Kona’s Kitchen

An excerpt from their website:

Just who is Kona’s Kitchen? We are a small, family owned business based in Northern California, inspired by a life-long love for animals, along with the strong understanding of the link between good food and good health.

Here at Kona’s Kitchen, we honor the fact that dogs, cats and other animals need and deserve that same high level of quality nutrition that their human care givers demand for themselves. We believe that when given proper nutritional support, provided by a varied diet rich in complex nutrients, your companion animal has amazing capabilities of healing itself. We also strongly believe that nutrition plays an integral role in resolving your pet’s symptoms of dis-ease, and should be individualized to meet each companion’s variable needs.

Leith Henry, founder of Kona’s Kitchen- and mom to Kona, aka “The Boss Lady” (Pit Bull mix) and Hana Manu (Bluenose Pit Bull)- is a highly respected and sought-after Holistic Animal Wellness Consultant, considered by many to be an expert in her field. Often referred to as “the food therapist”, Leith works closely with clients and their veterinarians to design a whole food therapy support plan, providing each animal companion with essential nutritional complexity, based on their specific needs. Due to Leith’s diverse training in Animal Nutrition, TCVM principles of Food Therapy, Homeopathy, Flower Essences, Herbology, Body Talk, and other healing modalities, it is her belief that the physical, spiritual, emotional, and environmental aspects of life are closely interconnected and equally important to bringing your pet’s system into balance. Leith is a thorough and purposeful guide who is dedicated to healing in partnership with nature, set in the context of respect and compassion for all living creatures.

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