On this Pet World Radio Segment talk with Krista Wickens from Pet Zen & Dog Tread about pet Fitness, pet obesity, the increasing options for pet fitness and much more…
Enjoy this Pet World Radio Segment in case a station near you does not currently carry Pet World Radio on the EMB or CRN networks!
Read more at their wonderful website: Pet Zen Products
An excerpt from their website:
At PetZen™ we believe that the relationship between a pet and its people is distinctly original. They are truly a part of our family and we include them in all of our business and personal activities. Be it a run on the mountain trails, a company meeting, a game of fetch at the park or even something as simple as a ride to the grocery store, our pets are right there with us whenever possible.
Our goal is to develop products that help you live up to your end of the relationship and make their lives as complete as they make yours. Inside, outside and everything in between our products are designed to help keep pets and their people balanced, bonding and living in the moment together, wherever it may be.
Located at the base of the Wasatch Mountains in Ogden, Utah, PetZen™ is a marketer, manufacturer, designer and distributor of innovative pet products that are tested by both pets and owners.