
Pet World Insider Radio Segment – Jason Grossman – Fuji & Friends – Apparel for Humans who love pets + Making a difference & Much More

On this Pet World Insider Radio Segment we talk with Jason Grossman of Fuji & Friends about their hip, fashionable and impactful apparel, the inspiration and so much more…

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Read more at their wonderful website:  Fuji & Friends

Our Dog Fuji:

Fuji is our dog, but he is so much more than that. In 2008 when we bought a house and began looking for a dog, we had no idea what our future was going to be like. We adopted him from our friends at (we have since become volunteers). Fuji is an Australian cattle dog/black lab mix, meaning that he’s smarter than many people I know. He is also more loving, loyal, somehow understanding, and patient. Yes, he would love to be hiking with me or herding cattle or running in the dog park. But wherever I go, even if it’s just to the front yard to take out the trash or stay in and sit on the couch, he wants to be there. People always want a well-behaved dog. He is and always has been. I quickly learned that it was I who needed to be trained and Fuji with his endless patience and love helped guide me. Sadly I know that one day he won’t be around. Two years ago on a tear-soaked night, I dreamt about how I could remember Fuji forever. “Immortalize him”, I called it. We started this company to share with you all the things we’ve learned, all the love we’ve shared, and dreams we could dream because of Fuji and his friends. Thank you for joining us on this journey and helping us “immortalize” our dogs.

Got a question? Fuji would love to hear from you! Email him directly at:

Now the fun part…

We have three other dogs (all adopted). Riley is a treeing walkers coonhound. A walker’s hound for those that know them and a foxhound for those that want a simpler explanation. She’s quite the hunter, incredibly loving, and not quite as smart as Fuji. But she’s full of smiles and we love her anyway. Sammie the sweetheart is a yellow lab/Shepherd mix. As the name implies she loves to cuddle (or just take over the bed in general). We are pretty sure she thinks our bedroom belongs to her. Paco is a terrier mix. He looks like a chihuahua and a Doberman Pinscher had a baby. He’s the smallest of the crew but makes up for it with his energy level. We say he has Cuban coffee in his blood. He demands that you throw the ball for him.

As for us:

I’m Andrew and my wife is Cindy. We live in a humble home in Miami, Florida with our four dogs and two daughters, ages 2 and 6 months. I am an athletic trainer at a local high school and Cindy is a teacher at an elementary school. We’ve both been labeled “outdoorsy” for many years and have a grand appreciation for everything from the beaches to the mountains and from snorkelling to snowboarding. The biggest adventure of course has been trying to raise our two kids.

Our Business Partner:

We met our friend (and business partner) Jason M. Grossman when he rescued Fuji and his litter from animal services and fostered him for the first four months of his life. We owe him more than we can ever repay. He is a former art director and when we approached him about our idea he ran with it and created these amazing vintage-style t-shirt designs. Jason also currently owns K9 Field Kits, a company that creates first aid and safety products for working dogs. He resides in Miami, Florida with his pack of four dogs: Sinatra (a bassett/husky mix and pack leader), Athena (a black and tan German Shepherd), Zandra (a white German Shepherd), and Minnie (a great dane/cattle dog mix and sister of Fuji), as well as Kaya the cat (who just thinks she’s a dog!).

To share with you our love for adventure, the great outdoors and of course our dogs, we have partnered with both K9 Field Kits and another company WagletWorks (adventure dog gear) to offer you a comprehensive product lineup designed to make the most out of you and your dog’s adventures.

To learn more about K9 Field Kits (first aid equipment for working dogs), visit us here.
To learn more about WagletWorks Adventure Dog Gear, visit us here.
To learn more about Paws 4 You Rescue, visit them here.

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