Pet World Insider Radio Segment – Dan Seng – PetMD University + Pet Parent Educational Resources + Pet Parent Classes & Much More

On this Pet World Radio Segment talk with Dan Seng from PetMD University about pet parent education, expertise and knowledge sharing and much more.

Enjoy this Pet World Radio Segment in case a station near you does not currently carry Pet World Radio on the EMB or CRN networks!

Read more at the wonderful website:  PetMD

An excerpt from the website:

PetMD is the largest global source of pet health information in the world today. Part of a global network of veterinary professionals, petMD’s content was created by veterinarians for consumers and veterinarians.

Integrity in our mission and our content.

Our content is written by veterinarians and approved by veterinarians on our team. Hundreds of veterinarians, spanning eight countries across the world, were consulted, interviewed and enlisted to write, verify, and approve our content.

petMD Veterinary Council

Our veterinarians created the petMD seal of approval. Whenever you see our brand name and our seal, you know you can trust the content, because it comes from the only trusted resource for pet health – petMD.


Dedication and commitment

We have tens of thousands of articles from across the globe, and every day we generate more. We are working hard to add content on a daily basis. You will find that we add more medical content in a week than most other sites have in total. We are dedicated in our pursuit to create unprecedented depth and breadth in pet health.

Trust your vet

Our health articles are written by a vet, and checked by a vet. But who better to ask than your vet?


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