
Pet World Insider Radio Segment – Carol Bryant – Fidose Of Reality + Tips for Bloggers + Wigglebutt Warriors + Inspiration in the Pet World+ Pet Parent Tips + So Much More

On this BlogPaws 2014 Conference Pet World Insider Radio Segment we talk with Carol Bryant, founder of Fidose of Reality and member of the Pet360 team, about finding your voice in social media, pet parent issues, wigglebutt warriors project and so much more…

Enjoy this Pet World Radio Segment in case a station near you does not currently carry Pet World Radio!

For more information about Carol Bryant visit:  Fidose of Reality   or on BlogPaws

An excerpt from the website:

Fidose of Reality is an alternative living magazine-style dog blog if your heart beats dog. We unite dog lovers of the highest order.

Does any of the following apply to you?

  • You take your dog on vacation and/or travel with your dog
  • You would go without so your dog can have what he or she needs
  • You are someone who identifies as L, G, B, or T and has a dog
  • You like the idea that “dogs are the new kids”
  • Pet fashion is fun for you as long as the dog is happy about wearing the clothes
  • You like to read about off-the-beaten path dog news and information that is reality based and provides actionable, doable things for pet parents
  • You think the idea of a dog wedding for a fundraiser is way cool

If you answered yes to one or more of these things, then welcome home. You are probably considered alternative by someone, somewhere, and we embrace that. Alternative living is the new norm. I’ve colored outside the lines for as long as I can remember. I certainly don’t plan to change.

We’re alternative but extraordinary. Fidose of Reality is all about extraordinary dog lovers.

If your dog is your kid, we can relate. If you spend more on your dog’s shampoo than you do your own, you’ve found a home here. You go above and beyond for your dog and we celebrate with you.

From dog news to dog travels, the latest in canine health and wellness, dog fashion and finds, and haute pet products for cool dogs, Fidose of Reality covers it. Coupling our 20 years of dog travel with a passion and penchant for pet products, our hearts beat dog.™

We travel the country and network with pet product experts, veterinarians, pet industry experts, and those in the know as a part of our continuing commitment to growing Fidose of Reality into the one of the ultimate online destinations for all things dog-related.

A little bit about Fidose of Reality’s founder and CEO: “A dog lover of the highest order,” is how Gayle King introduced Carol Bryant when she and her Cocker Spaniel appeared on Oprah Radio’s Gayle King show to dish dogs. A frequent media contributor, Carol has appeared on television, radio, and in print.

As guest speaker at conferences and seminars about dog products and travel, she also has a passion for growing social media and helped one client land the “best dog blog” honor. A repeat nominee from the Dog Writers Association of America and writer for Pet360, Carol also works with BlogPaws pet blogger social media community and conferences and is engaged in Public Relations and social media as a pet product and pet travel expert.

Not your ordinary dog lover blog; Fidose of Reality is all about extraordinary dog lovers.

For more information on Carol Bryant visit:

About BlogPaws:

BlogPaws hosted its first pet-friendly social media and marketing conference in 2010 and it has grown annually into the biggest social media event and conference of its kind.

May 7-10, 2014 BlogPaws held their 6th conference in Lake Las Vegas, NV, for hundreds of pet parents seeking information that will help them polish their blogging, social media, SEO and online publishing skills. The conference inspires pet parents to collaborate with one another on business projects and pet welfare causes. The conference is also a place where pet bloggers connect with agents and executives who sell the consumer brands they buy every day.

BlogPaws conferences attract expert and inspirational speakers from TV personalities (Andrea Arden, Rescue Ink, even Tillman the Skateboarding Bulldog!), to social platform experts (Google, Squidoo, StumbleUpon, Tout, BlogHer), to legal presenters on copyright and e-commerce concerns (FTC and private counsel), and dozens more.

BlogPaws also recognizes social media achievement and accomplishment with its yearly Nose-to-Nose Awards. In 2014, the 3rd awards ceremony was held at closing ceremonies of the conference. Twelve categories of talented bloggers and social media professionals were awarded the highest honor in the pet social media world, their own Nose-to-Nose Award for. No popularity contest, each entry is judged by peer professionals, chosen for their expertise in the individual categories.

Finalists and winners in the BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Social Media Marketing Awards leave the yearly conference with one of the highest honors in blogging and social media, within the pet industry — recognition for high achievement in their category.

For more information on BlogPaws and upcoming BlogPaws events visit:

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