
Pet World Insider Radio – Roozer Brews & Christine Clark – Radio Segment

Pet World Insider – RoozerBrews Radio Segment

Brewz is a tiny horse with a big problem.

The dwarf miniature horse from Kansas City was born with angular limb deformities.

Roozer Brews is a fighter at heart.

Roozer Brewz is a fighter at heart.

But 15-month-old Roozer Brewz has more friends than he will ever realise.

The international community has started to rally to help pay for the significant medical care Roozer Brewz needs for a decent shot at life.

He has a Facebook page dedicated to his cause and has more than 1150 followers and the number is growing all the time. People are rallying to his cause to help meet his medical expenses, which could top $US20,000.

Owner Christine Clark has spoken of the emotion as word of Roozer Brewz’ plight has spread and people have stepped up to help.

“I don’t know if I could begin to explain the flood of emotions that have occurred over the last two days,” she says.

For more information on Roozer Brews:

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