
Pet World Insider Radio – Marie Hulett – Pet Place Radio + Pet Adoption & More…

Pet World Insider Radio Segment – Marie Hullet – Pet Place + Pet Adoption + More

On this Pet World Radio Segment talk with Marie Hulett from Pet Place Radio about their efforts to rescue pets and their radio show and much more…

Enjoy this Pet World Radio Segment in case a station near you does not currently carry Pet World Radio on the EMB or CRN networks!

Read more at their wonderful website:  The Pet Place

An excerpt from their website:

The Pet Place is an organization that promotes responsible pet ownership and adoption of pets from shelters and rescues.  We believe adoption is a commitment that must last for the lifetime of a pet and that animals are not disposable property.  We encourage pet owners to spay and neuter their companion animals and to ensure they have identification at all times (I.D. tags, microchips, etc.).  We oppose breed discrimination, puppy mills, impulse pet purchasing, and back-yard breeding. Our primary missions are to offer people educational resources that will allow them to make good decisions with regards to their pets’ welfare and to support and promote shelters and rescues.  Please help us continue with our efforts.  We rely of viewer and listener support to continue these activities.  On behalf of the animals, thank you for being fans of the Pet Place.
The Pet Place was created in 1990 by Fred Bergendorff.  Initially, the Pet Place Television show aired on Charter Cable in Long Beach, with Fred as its host, but soon after, the show became a regular fixture on KDOC-TV 56.  Fred continued hosting the show until 2007 when serious health issues forced his departure. Mickey Laszlo, his long time co-host and “Pet Place correspondent-in-the-field” assumed hosting duties.   Marie Hulett joined the Pet Place in 1991.  At that time, she was a Lieutenant with Orange County Animal Control and the Orange County Register Pets Columnist.  (Her columns continue to be a regular feature and remain popular with readers.) Marie would showcase shelter pets, talk about coexisting safely with urban wildlife, and explain humane laws for Pet Place viewers.  She later went behind the scenes to produce and direct the weekly program. Gary Lycan became part of the Pet Place Family in 1992, and has served as producer, executive producer, and host.  Currently, Gary serves on the Pet Place Board as President.   

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