Pet World Insider Radio Segment – Lisa Spector – Through A Dog’s Ear – Music Effects On Pets Studies
On this Pet World Radio Segment talk with Lisa Spector about Music and how it can affect your pets, their health, their moods and more.
Enjoy this Pet World Radio Segment in case a station near you does not currently carry Pet World Radio on the EMB or CRN networks!
Read more at their wonderful website: Through A Dog’s Ear
An excerpt from their website:
What’s Going on with this Music, Anyway?
The music of Through a Dog’s Ear builds on the ground breaking psychoacoustic research of Dr. Alfred Tomatis (1920-2001). Known as the “Einstein of the ear,” Tomatis discovered the extraordinary powers of sound as a “nutrient for the nervous system.” His therapeutic discoveries redefine modern psychoacoustics — the study of the effect of music and sound on the human nervous system.
These recordings are psychoacoustically designed to support you and your dog’s compromised immune or nervous system function. When the immune or nervous system is heavily taxed, a natural reaction is to self-limit the amount of auditory or visual stimulation coming into the system. However, the “nutrients” of sound are needed the most when life energy is at a low ebb or when neurodevelopmental (including sensory) issues are present. To facilitate maximum sound intake while conserving energy output, the method of simple sound has been created.