
Pet World Insider Radio – Geri Meltzer – SCAMPP + Pot Bellied Pigs + Pig Care & More…

Pet World Insider Radio Segment – Gery – SCAMPP – Pigs as Pets + Pig Care + More

On this Pet World Radio Segment talk with Geri Meltzer from SCAMPP about Pigs, Pig Care, Pigs as Pets and more…

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Read more at their wonderful website:  SCAMPP

An excerpt from their website:

Southern California Association for Miniature Potbellied Pigs is an organization of pig lovers who meet once a month as well as participates in fun-filled pig events such as community educational fairs regarding potbellied pigs. If you have a potbellied pig(s), or if you are just interested in learning about them and hanging out with those who do, please join us at our monthly meetings and/or sign up for our monthly newsletter.


The primary objectives and purposes of this corporation shall be: To provide advocacy, action, and necessary support towards attaining the best quality of life for pigs as pets; to supply education about the pig and pigs as pets to current pig owners, prospective pig owners, the general public, civic partners, and community partners; to give back to the needs of the community through services provided by SCAMPP and collaborations with SCAMPP, with the interest of the breed incorporated into these endeavors; and to continuously enhance the association to meet these objectives and purposes.

In the Beginning

SCAMPP was formed in 1991 shortly after the potbellied pig was brought over to our country. SCAMPP was a club that supported breeding and breeders. Our charter members worked very hard loading and unloading potbellied pigs and taking them to local and national potbellied pig shows where they entered their pigs into various categories such as conformation judging, tricks, obstacle course, costume judging, and many other fun categories which included potbellied pigs of all ages from piglet to senior pigs. Our charter members’ potbellied pigs have won many trophies, ribbons and prizes for their potbellied pigs in both local and national shows, and many of our charter pigs had reached Diamond Trophy and Championship Status.

Over the past several years, we have evolved into more of a “fun” club or organization, helping out rescues and some of our members even rescue pigs themselves from time to time. Due to the overpopulation of potbellied pigs (like other animals), we are geared now towards the education process of proper potbellied pig care to new and prospective potbellied pig owners. We were then, and are now, an organization of people with the same love for potbellied pigs. We love to share stories and chat continually about these loveable animals that have taken over our hearts. We started monthly meetings to do just that.

And Here We Are Today

We still have members who love to show off their pigs, and we do this at various events such as Pet Expos, Adoption Faires, and other community venues. We hold different fundraisers throughout the year to support our organization and rescue/sanctuaries. You can’t say we don’t have fun at our gatherings.

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