
Pet World Insider Radio – Dr. Roy Yanong – U of Florida + Fish Surgery + Fish Stories

Pet World Insider Radio Segment – Dr Roy Yanong – Uni of Florida – Fish Expert + Fish Suregery + More

On this Pet World Radio Segment we sit down with Dr. Roy Yanong and talk about Fish, Fish Surgeries, Vet Stories & So much more.  Fish Fanatics swim on over…  Listen as our good friend, Dr. Roy Yanong shares his experiences and expertise on the fish world!

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Find out more information about Dr. Roy Yanong

From the website:

Roy Yanong’s longtime interest as a tropical fish hobbyist eventually resulted in a career in fish veterinary medicine.  After college, Dr. Yanong worked at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, studying leukemia in soft-shell clamyas from Boston Harbor.  Two years later, he attended the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine where he concentrated in aquatic animal medicine and received his V.M.D. in May 1992.  After graduation from vet school, he was hired by 5-D Tropical, Inc., a large ornamental fish farm in Plant City, Florida, where he was quickly immersed into the industry.  He worked as staff veterinarian there for four and a half years.

In 1996, he joined the UF/IFAS Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory (TAL) in Ruskin where he provides extension, research, and educational programs in fish health management, including on-site veterinary assistance and disease diagnostic support for aquaculturists throughout the state.

Roy and his colleagues at the TAL, UF/IFAS Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, and the UF College of Veterinary Medicine work collaboratively to promote the advancement of aquatic animal medicine and fish health management through courses, internships, externships, extension and scientific publications, continuing education sessions, and other venues.

Over the years, Roy has participated in a number of local, state, and national fish health-related committees. He is currently the Chair of the Aquatics Working Group for the American Veterinary Medical Association’s Panel on Euthanasia; a former member and Chair of the AVMA’s Aquatic Veterinary Medicine Committee (AqVMC); and a past member of the AVMA’s Animal Agriculture Liaison Committee (AALC). He is also a member of a number of  other aquaculture and fish health organizations.

Find out more information about Dr. Roy Yanong

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