
Pet World Insider Radio – Dr. Bill Miller – Pet Eye Care Exams – The 6th Annual ACVO®/Merial® National Service Dog Eye Exam Event

In this Pet World Radio Segment we sit down with Dr. Bill Miller and discuss Pet Vision, The 6th Annual ACVO®/Merial® National Service Dog Eye Exam Event and more!

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The 6th Annual ACVO®/Merial® National Service Dog Eye Exam Event brings together veterinary ophthalmologists and thousands of service animals for free eye exams. Registration is April 1st-30th, for May 2013 event.

Guide dogs, handicapped assistance animals, detection dogs, therapy animals, and search and rescue dogs selflessly serve the public. To honor these animals and their work, the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO) is launching the 6th annual ACVO/Merial National Service Dog Eye Exam Event in the month of May, to screen service animals who dedicate their lives to serving the public. More than 250 board certified veterinary ophthalmologists throughout the U.S., as well as Canada and Puerto Rico, will be donating their time and resources to provide free, sight-saving eye exams to thousands of eligible service animals. Registration for service animal owners and handlers runs from April 1 – 30, 2013 at

WHAT VETERINARY OPHTHALMOLOGISTS LOOK FOR DURING THE EXAM: During the complete ocular exam, the veterinary ophthalmologists utilize their specialized equipment to look for problems including: redness, squinting, cloudy corneas, retinal disease, early cataracts and other serious abnormalities. Early detection and treatment are vital to these working animals.

HOW LISTENERS CAN REGISTER FOR THEIR FREE APPOINTMENT: To qualify, animals must be “active working animals” that were certified by a formal training program or organization or are currently enrolled in a formal training program. The certifying organization could be national, regional or local in nature. Owners/agents for the animal(s) must FIRST register the animal via an online registration form beginning April 1, 2013 at Registration ends April 30th. Once registered online, the owner/agent will receive a registration number and will be allowed access to a list of participating ophthalmologists in their area. Then they may contact a specialist to schedule an appointment. Appointments will take place during the month of May. Times may vary depending on the facility and are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

For more info on Dr. Bill Miller check the website: Advanced Animal Eye Care

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