Home PWI News Pet World Insider Radio – Aaron Easterly – Rover.Com – Discussing Pet...

Pet World Insider Radio – Aaron Easterly – Rover.Com – Discussing Pet Sitter Standards

Pet World Insider Radio Segment – Aaron Easterly – Roverdotcom – Discussing the important things to look for and consider when hiring a pet sitter

On this Pet World Radio Segment we sit down with Aaron Easterly CEO of Rover.com and discuss the important things to consider when you need to hire a pet sitter.  Listen as Aaron shares his insights and knowledge about Pet Sitters, Pet Sitting and being a pet parent.

Enjoy this Pet World Radio Segment in case a station near you does not currently carry Pet World Radio on the EMB or CRN networks!

Rover’s Top Dog, Aaron Easterly, brings an accomplished resume and more than 10 years of experience in the tech industry to the position of CEO. Prior to Rover, Aaron was General Manager of Network Strategy and Monetization within Microsoft’s Advertiser and Publisher Solutions group. In this position, he drove revenue and improved yield from the $3 billion suite of Microsoft ad offerings. He began his career with Microsoft in 2008 as General Manager of Ad Networks and prior to that he was VP and General Manager at Atlas Publishing leading the team responsible for the design of the company’s yield engine that defined methods for performance estimation, segmentation and optimization.

As CEO of Rover, Aaron’s excitement and interest was piqued when we realized he could help fellow dog owners solve a problem he has frequently faced himself. Aaron also relies heavily on the invaluable consultations he receives on a nightly basis from his four-pound Pomeranian, Caramel (but who doesn’t).

Aaron graduated with Honors from Harvard College with an A.B. degree in Economics.