On this Pet World Radio Segment talk with Author and safety expert, Melissa Berryman about the Dog Education & Safety Council & More…
Enjoy this Pet World Radio Segment in case a station near you does not currently carry Pet World Radio on the EMB or CRN networks!
Read more at the wonderful website: Melissa Berryman
An excerpt from the website:
As an animal officer I was shocked to find how accepted information about dogs actually led to trouble for dog owners. Bad things were happening to responsible dog owners and their “good” dogs. It wasn’t until after the injury, after the lawsuit, after the dog was euthanized that dog owners called, often in tears, wanting to know why. With People Training for Good Dogs you can avoid the most common pitfalls for dog owners just like you and your family. Using real life case stories, you will have the information to navigate safely through your life with your beloved companion.