Dog: Frankie
Adopter Name
Michelle Hall
Where Did You Find Your Dog?
Multiple Breed Rescue
Tell Us About the Moment When You Knew that You Two Were Meant for Each Other.
I knew Frankie was the one when I saw his picture posted on petfinder. He looked so small and afraid. We were meant for each other the moment I met him and fell in love with his little brown eyes. He sat so close to me the whole way home from Cleveland, where MBR is located. I knew we would never be far apart.
How Has Your Hero Changed Your Life?
We knew he would make a good therapy dog when he recently found my Mom lying on the floor after suffering a stroke. He alerted me to her location and stayed by her side until the ambulance arrived. He changed our lives when we adoopted him but who knew he would also save the life of my Mom! Due to this, he became a part of Therapy Pets of Greater Cincinnati and will soon be giving back to our community by visiting patients and their families. He also showed me that I can make a difference by helping other pets find their permanent homes and I have volunteered for his rescue for almost 2 years now. Adopt don’t Shop!