
Pet World Insider Article – Rescue Stories from Project Blue Collar – Rose, Roxy, Edith and Mia

Rose, Roxy, Edith and Mia

A family of wonderful rescue animals

Adopter Name

Kasey Corbett

Where Did You Find Your Dog?

Roxy: puppy-mill rescue. disease infested when I first got her.

Rose: rescued from prominent dog fighting area, took her in with a broken leg someone had kicked in or hit her with a car! She spent the first 4 months of her life dragging her leg behind her. Today, you would never guess it!

Edith: Found in an alley next to her dead litter mates and mother. Parvo survivor.

Mia: Feline that was born a dog. rescued on her kill day just hours before she was to be put down. coolest cat there is, hands down 🙂

Tell Us About the Moment When You Knew that You Two Were Meant for Each Other.

Its not something you can put into words. When you know, you know. For me, it was all about the feeling they gave me when I first made eye contact with them. This indescribable feeling pierced my heart and I just knew, with each of them, that they were the one. When they looked into my eyes, I could see their souls. And I truly believe they could see mine.

How Has Your Hero Changed Your Life?

Every day I am asked how I got all of these girls to love each other so much, and I really have nothing to do with it, other than basic training and discipline. You can force your pack to be cordial, but you can’t force a love like these girls have. I truly believe this stems from the emptiness and abandonment they suffered from before finding their happy place. NO ONE wanted these girls, they were left to die, and their yearning for what they have now, ever so strong. I feel honored every day that I get to share my home with these girls. I couldn’t imagine my life without their unconditional love and support. Their bond stems from their dark pasts and the beautiful lives they all share in today. When I see them running freely, wind in their hair, smile on their faces, cuddled up on the same blanket as close as they can possibly get to each other, or just drinking side by side out of the same water bowl, my heart feels happiest. They have the life they have always deserved, it might’ve been a little late coming, but it is here and here to stay forever! I am so glad we found the project blue collars to represent the beauty of rescue and to show others how life changing rescuing or supporting an underdog truly is!

About Project Blue Collar:
Project Blue Collar (PBC) is a global grassroots movement and passion brand dedicated to promoting dog adoption. PBC is striving to tell a different story about rescue dogs – not one of pity and sadness, but one that celebrates the joy and love that comes from welcoming a rescue dog into your family. Their goal is simple: To elevate the status of rescue dogs as prized pets and inspire more people to adopt.
PBC’s signature Support the Underdog® Blue Collar is the symbol of the movement. Taking the concept of the rubber cause wristband and making it into an accessory dog collar, this symbol gets conversations going and lets dogs be the marketers of the movement. The Support the Underdog® Blue Collar gives people a way to show their “rescue pride” and tell their dog’s story. Even dogs who weren’t adopted can join the movement to show their support for rescue dogs.
To date, PBC has “Blue Collared” dogs in 11 countries and in all 50 U.S. states. PBC donates a portion of their sales to rescue groups to support their lifesaving work. Visit to learn more.

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