
Behind The Product – Deborah Turner – Dog Bite Quote – Canine Liability Insurance

Behind The Product sits down with Deborah Turner from Dog Bite Quote – DogBiteQuote.Com, to discuss their unique and important insurance specially designed for pet owners, educational efforts to keep pets and their families together, difference making information and much more. Deborah shares the story behind the company, their mission, how it works and much more.

About Deborah Turner and Dog Bite Quote Insurance – www.DogBiteQuote.Com:

About Canine Liability Insurance

It’s likely that the seed to become a champion for man’s best friend was planted in Deborah Turner years ago when, as a child, she witnessed an act of animal abuse yet was powerless to stop it. Fast forward to today, when Debbie has parlayed her love of dogs, a deep understanding of their behavior, and a strong background in insurance to replace coverage that is being removed from homeowners and rental policies with Canine Liability Insurance.

While doing research for a paper for the prestigious Society of Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriters (aka CPCU), it occurred to her that there is a gross misunderstanding by the insurance industry as to which dogs to insure for dog bite liability. Finding that breed is only one small part in the process, Debbie looked at developing a rating modality that incorporates identifiable factors as to the likelihood a dog will bite regardless of the breed. The most often question asked is will she insure one of the so-called dangerous breeds, and the answer is yes! The Canine Liability Policy is designed for any and ALL Breeds of dogs.
Inside the Canine Liability Insurance Policy

Debbie developed the Canine Liability Policy offering protection for dog owners in the event their dog(s) injures a person or another animal. Each dog is individually underwritten examining those characteristics that play a part in the propensity for dog biting. Policy limits range from $25,000-$300,000. Debbie also has the ability to include additional insureds if required. In stark contrast to other programs, Canine Liability insurance does not exclude any particular breed of dog; this approach is central to Debbie’s unique understanding of dog behavior that has turned underwriting this risk on its floppy ear.

The program initially began in 2012 available in a limited number of states. Today Canine Liability coverage is available in all states except Alaska. The policy has also been redesigned to offer much broader coverage with no deductible. You can request a quote by filling out an on-line application and emailing it to, or by completing the lead form on this page for more information.

The policy was originally sold through a subsidiary of her agency Federation of Insured Dog Owners aka F.I.D.O., and is now sold through Debbie’s agency, Dean Insurance Agency, Inc. Dean Insurance was established in 1994 and provides a broad range of insurance products and services to personal and business customers.

Debbie has recently been nominated a finalist for Woman of the Year in the Pet Industry Network.

Learn more about Deborah Turner and Dog Bite Quote at:

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