
Active Herbal Plant Properties & Their Activities – Pet World Insider – Natural Pet Radio Article

Unlike synthetic drugs with a single or few active drug constituents, herbals have many active plant properties. On average, a single herb may contain between five and 200 active plant-based phytochemicals that may deliver many medicinal effects in a single capsule.

Most herbs perform multiple tasks because they contain many biologically active, natural plant chemicals that may work in concert to boost immunity, limit inflammation, promote digestion and bowel regulation, provide antioxidant and antibacterial benefits while simultaneously lowering blood pressure and reducing cholesterol. Wow! I need a nap just thinking about it. But that’s what herbs do…They multi-task efficiently to get help get your dog and cat healthy and happy again.

These layered actions performed by natural plant chemicals are examples of the almost incomprehensible diversity and perfection of plant and marine based medicines.  Science has been trying to capture and replicate plant processes in laboratories (with limited success) that occur effortlessly in the wild. Our planet’s treasured plant resources are some of the most complex live organisms that also exist in the simplest forms, which confounds modern medicine. It’s true=nature got it right!

Medicinal herbs and supplements are also quite safe in comparison to synthetic drugs, but they do sometimes carry risks. As such, herbals and supplements might be viewed as medicinal tools, and we should respect the power of plants by properly following and administering the correct dosages at the correct times.

Here are some of the components of natural plant chemicals:

Phytochemicals – Non-nutritive plant chemicals that have disease preventive properties. There are more than a thousand known phytochemicals. Plants produce these chemicals to protect themselves but recent research demonstrates that these same processes can also protect animals against disease. Plants contain phytochemicals, enzymes, sterols, flavonoids, vitamins, antioxidants, trace minerals and numerous other micro nutrients.

Here are some common plant effects:

Anti-inflammatory – A plant form analgesic (pain killer) that reduces inflammation. Inflammation is typically one of the first responses from the immune system to fight infection and foreign invaders, and triggers your pet’s body to release a biochemical cascade that attacks the surfaces of foreign cells that threatens balanced wellness. Anti-inflammatory plant actions provide a counter balance to inflammation and help manage histamine and mast cell response.

Antibacterial – Plant based antiseptics that have the proven ability to act against bacteria. Antiseptics can perform dual roles, both destroying germ causing microbes and preventing their growth.

Antioxidant – Most phytochemicals have antioxidant properties that protect cells against oxidative damage from free radicals (UV exposure, toxicity, pollution, stress) by neutralizing their damage, may provide protection from cancer and cognitive decline, may help prevent heart disease and other auto immune failures such as cancer, help to boost immunity and help to slow down the aging process.

Atherosclerosis –  A condition that exists when too much cholesterol builds up in the blood and accumulates in the walls of the blood vessels, a contributing factor to heart disease in dogs and cats.                                        

Calcium – A mineral that your pet’s body requires to build and strengthens bones. It aids in muscle contraction and assists with nerve function and blood clotting.

Cholesterol – A waxy, fatlike substance that occurs naturally in all parts of the body.  High levels of cholesterol in the blood can block arteries and increase the risk of heart disease in dogs and cats.

Enzymes – “Proof-reading” biological catalysts that work to either selectively activate or increase energy or inhibit or decrease activity as the animal body requires, without altering the delicate equilibrium.

Flavonoids – A subgroup of polyphenols or compounds found in plant-based foods most commonly known for their antioxidant activity of neutralizing free radicals and possibly are important in reducing the risk of cancer in dogs and cats.

HDL Cholesterol – Also known as healthy or “good” cholesterol (or high-density lipoproteins) thought to help lower the risk of coronary artery disease, a known preventative in canine and feline heart disease.

LDL Cholesterol – Also known as lousy or “bad” cholesterol (low-density cholesterol) can slowly build up in the inner walls of the arteries that feed the heart and brain and can form plaque, causing a condition known as atherosclerosis, which can result in blocked arteries, increasing the risk for heart attack or stroke in dogs and cats.

Minerals – Used by the animal body to build bones, make hormones, and regulate heartbeat. Your pet’s body requires two types of minerals; macro minerals in larger dosages including calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride, and sulfur as well as micro minerals that include small amounts of trace minerals including iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride, and selenium.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids – A type of fatty acid found in fish and marine oils as well as some plants, Omega-3 acids mayhelp provide health benefits such as reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and help improve mental and visual function. Essential Omega 3 fatty acids may also help prevent and treat arthritis, diabetes, and depression, types of cancer, skin disorders, eye disorders and cognitive decline, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Organic – Organic plants and other ingredients are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, fumigation or ionizing radiation.

Polyphenols – The most abundant antioxidant in our pet’s diets, comprising several thousand compounds, polyphenols may help prevent cardiovascular diseases, cancers, osteoporosis, neuro degenerative diseases, and diabetes mellitus.

Prebiotics – Non digestible ingredients that support and encourage the growth of beneficial native bacteria in the intestinal tract and help probiotics multiply and become more effective, promoting digestion health. Prebiotics can also enhance the absorption of calcium and magnesium.

Probiotics – Beneficial bacteria that helps re-establish healthy intestinal flora in the animal body and aids in the synthesizing of vitamins and minerals; may help to increase the availability of nutrients; may help to decrease lactose intolerance; may help to decreases symptoms of acid reflux (GERD); may help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol; may help decrease the prevalence of allergies; may help reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, Irritable Bowel Disorder, (IBD, Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis); may help support intestinal regularity and may boost your pet’s immune response.

Vitamin A – Helps form and maintains healthy teeth, skeletal and soft tissue, mucous membranes and skin. Also known as retinol (because it produces the pigments in the retina of the eye) and carotenoids, a fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin, which is vital to supporting eye health and the surrounding tissue matrix.

Vitamin B – Also known as Vitamin B complex, it is necessary to help regulate metabolism and healthy pancreatic function, which may be helpful for cats and dogs with diabetes; helps to build healthy skin and coat and may be particularly useful in maintaining and building muscle and connective tissue.

Vitamin C – Vitamin C helps to protect the immune system, helps fight off infections, may help reduce the severity of allergic reactions, and plays a role in the synthesis of hormones and other body chemicals. Also known as ascorbic acid, this water-soluble vitamin is essential for the development and maintenance of connective tissue and speeds the production of new cells in wounds. It is also an antioxidant that keeps free radicals from hooking up with other molecules to form damaging compounds that might attack tissue. Camu Camu has the highest level of plant based Vitamin C known on earth.

Vitamin D – Vitamin D is essential for promoting the absorption of calcium, for bone growth, to help retain normal bone density, to help prevent bone degeneration, and to help support healthy immune function.

Vitamin E – Also known as alpha-tocopherol, this antioxidant is important in the formation of red blood cells and helps the body to use Vitamin K.

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