Pet World Insider has a lot of wonderful guests who visit our studio. We have a lot of conversations about a variety of things going on with our guests, the pet world, their personal lives and more. So, we thought we’d share some of those round table pet world conversations on video.
Greg Tilford is a Pet Herbal Guru expert who is an author, lecturer and guest speaker throughout the pet industry. Greg has been teaching pet parents how to positively use herbs for pets to achieve optimal health. You can follow Greg at
Derek Sahagun is also known as Producer Derek. Derek spends so much time behind the cameras and behind the scenes, we decided to drag him out in front of them. Derek’s a pet parent who loves to learn and share what he learns in the pet world.
Robert Semrow began his pet industry career as The Pawtographer, Robert is seen on a variety of shows and is also an pet expert, author, speaker and active in the pet world.
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Hosts: Derek Shagun
Guests: Greg Tiflord & Robert Semrow