
Pet X Talks – Joey Villani – The Importance, Impact and Health Aspects of Grooming Your Pets


Pet X Talks – Joey Villani – The Importance, Impact and Health Aspects of Grooming Your Pets

On this Pet X Talk, Joey Villani discusses the importance, the impact and health aspects of grooming your pets and so much more.

About Joey Villani – “The Dog Father”

Joey Villani is one of America’s leading experts in grooming and pet care, with more than 35 years of experience. He began his remarkable career as an apprentice to industry visionary John Nash, and moved on to train thousands of groomers as a top instructor for Mr. Nash’s well-respected schools. From 1998 to 2008, Joey served as president, director and owner of the Nash Academy of Animal Arts in New Jersey.

Joey is an IJA (International Judges Association) registered judge and four-time nominee for the Cardinal Crystal Achievement Award for excellence in dog grooming show judging. He is deeply involved with Intergroom International, the world’s largest international grooming conference, and has been instrumental in broadening the organization’s presence in Belgium, Italy, and France.

Joey has appeared on numerous television shows, including Animal Planet’s “Dogs 101,” NBC’s “The Today Show,” and Fox’s “The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet.” As a judge on Animal Planet’s “Groomer Has It”—a grooming-based reality TV show— Joey uses his tremendous knowledge and technical insight to keep contestants on their toes. Joey tells it like it is, and you know he’s happy when he offers a groomer his huge grin and signature, “That’s it!”. When he’s not working, Joey happily spends his time with his wife, Elaine; his three cairn terriers: Myles, Buster, and Simon; and his 29-year-old umbrella cockatoo, Gurney.

For more information about Joey Villani visit:

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