Pet World Insider attended the 2014 BlogPaws Conference and sat down with Pet Industry Insiders. Enjoy as we get the inside information about their efforts, their interests and their passions.
This Pet World Insider Moment With An Insider interview is with Trish Taylor from Bissell.
About Bissell:
BISSELL Homecare, Inc. has a long-standing commitment to support and advocate for homeless pets, and, as a family run company, this passion starts at the very top. Our pet initiatives are the culmination of years of dedication to homeless animals by BISSELL’s Director of Corporate Affairs and BISSELL Pet Foundation Founder, Cathy Bissell, who believes that every pet should have a home and every home should have a pet.
2 Ways to Help Pets Find Homes
Purchase pet products on Bissell.com or at any location BISSELL products are sold and we’ll donate a portion of the proceeds to the BISSELL Pet Foundation.
The BISSELL Pet Foundation is a charitable 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to help reduce the number of animals in shelters and to support organizations dedicated to the humane care and treatment of animals through pet adoption, spay neuter programs, microchipping and foster care.
For more information on Bissell visit: www.bissell.com or www.bissellpetfoundation.org/
About BlogPaws:
BlogPaws hosted its first pet-friendly social media and marketing conference in 2010 and it has grown annually into the biggest social media event and conference of its kind.
May 7-10, 2014 BlogPaws held their 6th conference in Lake Las Vegas, NV, for hundreds of pet parents seeking information that will help them polish their blogging, social media, SEO and online publishing skills. The conference inspires pet parents to collaborate with one another on business projects and pet welfare causes. The conference is also a place where pet bloggers connect with agents and executives who sell the consumer brands they buy every day.
BlogPaws conferences attract expert and inspirational speakers from TV personalities (Andrea Arden, Rescue Ink, even Tillman the Skateboarding Bulldog!), to social platform experts (Google, Squidoo, StumbleUpon, Tout, BlogHer), to legal presenters on copyright and e-commerce concerns (FTC and private counsel), and dozens more.
BlogPaws also recognizes social media achievement and accomplishment with its yearly Nose-to-Nose Awards. In 2014, the 3rd awards ceremony was held at closing ceremonies of the conference. Twelve categories of talented bloggers and social media professionals were awarded the highest honor in the pet social media world, their own Nose-to-Nose Award for. No popularity contest, each entry is judged by peer professionals, chosen for their expertise in the individual categories.
Finalists and winners in the BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Social Media Marketing Awards leave the yearly conference with one of the highest honors in blogging and social media, within the pet industry — recognition for high achievement in their category.
For more information on BlogPaws and upcoming BlogPaws events visit: http://www.blogpaws.com
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