
Pet World Insider Radio Segment – Shorty Rossi + Hercules – South Florida Pet Expo + Pet Expo Apearances + Shorty Educating The Public + Giving Back & So Much More

On this Pet World Insider Radio Segment we talk with Celebrity, Author, Pit Bull Advocate and Educator Shorty Rossi about his love and dedication to Pit Bulls, educating the public through expo appearances, giving back  and so much more…

Enjoy this Pet World Radio Segment in case a station near you does not currently carry Pet World Radio!

For more information visit the website:  Shorty Rossi

An excerpt from the website:

Welcome to Shorty’s Pit Bull Rescue

Dedicated to the Welfare of the Pit Bull Breed Shorty’s Rescue is a small and busy organization of bully breed owners, rescuers, and supporters. Shorty Rossi started Shorty’s Rescue in 2001 when he rescued Geisha out of the Los Angeles Animal Shelter. Since then he has never looked back. Shorty has owned American Staffordshire Terriers, a Dogo Argentino and bully breed mixes since the mid-80’s and has found that these breeds are as misunderstood as he is.

Shorty’s Rescue employees work tirelessly to help relieve the suffering of and prevent cruelty to bully breeds through their alliance with bully breed rescue groups, the A Dog A Day and Fund-A-Pitty Campaigns. Besides rescuing these breeds, through positive involvement in the community, Shorty’s Pit Bull Rescue influences a healthy, much-deserved reputation for the breed. Shorty’s Pit Bull Pet Stars have worked on several independent, student and short films as well as public-service commercials and various print ads. The group does volunteer work by visiting nursing homes, schools, functions and hospitals.

Please take the time to enjoy our site and our animals. Not only do we provide information about what our animals do, but we give a brief history of the breed, the myths and provide other resourceful information. All pictures on this site are either bully breeds that have been rescued and placed through Shorty’s Rescue involvement or are Shorty’s own pet dogs.

Not for Profit Shorty’s Rescue does not operate as a 501c3, nonprofit rescue group, but we are not for profit. Shorty’s Rescue is funded through Shorty’s Charities.

Let us hear from you Let us hear from you. We enjoy hearing any comments from you, so please feel free to email us your comments.

Visit Shorty Rossi on the Web for more info

See Shorty Rossi at the South Florida Pet Expo Saturday, March 15 or look for him appearing national at other Amazing Pet Expo Events.


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