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Tag: Equine

Pet World Insider Presents….The Red Bucket Equine Rescue…Saving Horses In Desperate...

http://youtu.be/Q1rFs5Qhc1w Welcome to the Pet World Insider Presents Series! In this installment we head out to Chino Hills, California to visit with The Red Bucket Equine...

Pet World Insider Radio Interview – Susan Peirce – Red Bucket...

https://petworldinsider.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Pet-World-Insider-Susan-Pierce-Red-Bucket-Equine-Center.mp3 The Red Bucket Equine Rescue Story Red Bucket Equine Rescue (RBER) is a compassionate 50-plus horse rescue located in Chino Hills, California. Red Bucket Equine...