Hello everyone, it’s Robert Semrow, your pet world insider here with this week’s Animal Radio List – Hot trends we’ll see in the pet world in 2016 – It’s 2016 and that means it’s time for some predictions about what will be hot trends for the pet world this year.
#1 – The human animal bond and relationship will become more than something pet parents know, in fact, science and research will continue to show that having a pet improves people’s lives in many different ways, from health to companionship to motivation and more. The Human Animal Bond relationship will be a hot topic in 2016 because science and organizations like the Human Animal Bond Research Initiative continue to prove what pet parents have always known – Pets make life better.
#2 – Technology knows no bounds and has yet to be cone of shamed. That’s right, everywhere you look these days technology is increasingly a part of the pet world. 2016 will be no different as we continue to see an expansion of technology in almost every area of the pet world from feeders to trackers to trainers and toys, technology will further invigorate, excite and engage the pet world. In a world that is now creating robotic animals to be as pet like as possible, technology has certainly entrenched itself and is now on the verge of overtaking the pet world. So go ahead and cone of shame your robotic pet this year.
#3 – Human grade organic grain free balanced super foods will become the battle cry for pet food companies. Ok, maybe not all of those adjectives or commonly thrown around superlatives will be stamped across all of the pet food labels we see, but you can be sure that in the battle to claim to be the best and the healthiest, there will certainly be some overused and underwhelming terms used to describe pet foods. We’ll also see a resurgence of claims that this way is better than that way and that way should be the only way unless there was another way. Let me simplify it for you, do the best that you can do and that you can sustain and learn what your pet responds well to.
#4 – Supplements, vitamins and orthopedic mattresses – That’s right, in the human world we find ourselves using vitamins and supplements and other specialties to live fuller, longer, happier and healthier lives. This trend will continue to explode this year into the pet world as more and more of us turn to the same things benefitting our own health to benefit the health of our pets. It makes sense that we are turning to nature to provide us a healthy boost for everyone in the family.
My last prediction is the one I’m most certain will occur, #5 Animal Radio will continue to bring pet lovers around the world the animal news, information, entertainment and enjoyment that has made them beloved by the animal world for more than 15 years. If you’ve got a prediction for the Animal World for 2016, we’d love to hear them. Post them to our Animal Radio Facebook page and let’s see which animal radio predictions come true.