Pet World Insider Radio Segment – Geri Meltzer – SCAMPP + Care & Costs Of Owning a Pig & More
On this Pet World Radio Segment talk with Gery Meltzer from SCAMPP about care and cost of owning Pigs, Pig Care, Pigs as Pets and more…
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Read more at their wonderful website: SCAMPP
An excerpt from their website:
Southern California Association for Miniature Potbellied Pigs is an organization of pig lovers who meet once a month as well as participates in fun-filled pig events such as community educational fairs regarding potbellied pigs. If you have a potbellied pig(s), or if you are just interested in learning about them and hanging out with those who do, please join us at our monthly meetings and/or sign up for our monthly newsletter.
The primary objectives and purposes of this corporation shall be: To provide advocacy, action, and necessary support towards attaining the best quality of life for pigs as pets; to supply education about the pig and pigs as pets to current pig owners, prospective pig owners, the general public, civic partners, and community partners; to give back to the needs of the community through services provided by SCAMPP and collaborations with SCAMPP, with the interest of the breed incorporated into these endeavors; and to continuously enhance the association to meet these objectives and purposes.